Friday, April 6, 2007


hey everyone,

Thank you so much for checking out this blog. Many of the support letters were sent on Tuesday so hopefully some of ya'll will see this soon.

This blog has a few puposes.

One is simply to keep you updated on the trip. Dan and I will be updating frequently before the trip and then as much as possible in Uganda. We don't know how often we will have access to the internet, but Lord-willing it will be frequent.

Another is so that you all can know our hearts and share in this ministry experience with us. Through this blog, we can keep in contact, challenge, and encourage each other through the summer.

The final reason for this blog is so that you all can know best how to pray for us as embark on this adventure. If there is one thing that you can do for us, please pray! Though there is not much of a threat of physical harm, we are going into an intense spiritual battleground. We need your help with your prayers if we are going to do anything of eternal signficance in Uganda this summer.

Thank you for your support, encouragement, and prayer.

much love,


Andrea said...

Hey guys,

Welcome to Europe! I'm praying for you. Just wanted to let you know I put your blog link in my blog.


Anonymous said...

Guys, I'm so proud of you. I've been praying already, this'll be a good way to keep it up. God is strong, may you know it - jeannie